Pradyumna Yadav Programmer • AI/ML Enthusiast


Professional Me

I am a Junior at IIIT Naya Raipur, pursuing an undergraduate degree in Electronics and Communication. I'm involved in developing end-to-end projects around Machine Learning and Deep Learning and also a blog writer at Medium under the publication Analytics Vidhya. I am interested in exploring the fields of Software Engineering, Data Science, and Machine Learning, and I am open to opportunities for the same.



ML/DL Libraries


And many more...

Development Tools



Featured Projects

accident detection

Accident Detection using Autoencoders


Developed a spatio-temporal Autoencoder using 3D Convolutional layers, which detects accident in a real time footage.

Check it out!

Deepfakes Detection (Transfer Learning)


Used Transfer Learning technique to train two models, Inception Resnet-v2 and VGG-16 to find deepfaked faces in a video.

Check it out!
Music recommendation engine

Music recommendation engine


Built a song recommendation engine using content based filtering which uses Spotify API to enable user search for songs, and the similar songs are then recommended to the user.

Check it out!
Fake news detection app

NewsClues: Fake news detection app


Classifies the news given as input as real or fake and uses Word2Vec model for creating word embeddings and these embeddings are then used in the embedding layer as weights.

Check it out!


I write blogs for Analytics Vidhya


Gradient Descent

This is a beginner friendly blog which explains the concept of Gradient Descent in the most intuitive way.


Journey of Gradient Descent - From Local to Global

Sometimes, it may happen that instead of reaching global minima, the value of cost function gets stuck at the local minima or the saddle point. So, this blog talks about how we can avoid local minima and reach global minima so that the value of cost function is optimal.
