Pradyumna Yadav
Electronics and Communication Engineering Mobile No. 9893569895 ¥ è õ
Portfolio Website
IIIT Naya Raipur
Degree Year of Graduation CPI
B.Tech 2023 8.25
Technical Projects
Personal Projects
Accident Detection in real-time video : This project demostrates Spatio-Temporal Autoencoders to
detect accident in real time using 3D Convolution and LSTM layers. ¥
Detection of Deepfakes : Used transfer learning to train two models, InceptionResnetv2 and VGG16
to detect presence of DeepFakes in a video. ¥
Content Based Filtering : Built a music recommendation engine using content based filtering technique
with K-Means clustering. ¥
Fake News Detection App : Built a Fake News Detection App using LSTM to classify whether News is
fake or not. The model was deployed on GCP as an endpoint and the app was containerized and deployed
using Cloud-Run. ¥
Hackathon Projects
Sign : In a team of three, built a sign language decoding app using CNN, which is useful for interaction
with verbally impaired person. ¥ ~
Emosong : Built a facial sentiment detecting app using CNN, which suggests playlist based on user’s
emotion, also helps users to interactively chat with similar users matched on the emotion. ¥
AskDoc : Built a voting ensemble model and deployed a webapp which based upon user’s symptom
determines most probable disease and suggests nearby hospitals. ¥ ~
Highlightem :A chrome extension that highlights most relevant items based on your search. Similarity
between the items were found using cosine metrics. ¥
Currently compatible on Platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Bigbasket.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages: C++, Python, CUDA
Machine Learning Libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Scikit, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tensorflow, Keras, NLTK,
Frameworks: Django, Flask
Cloud Platform: GCP
Skills and Interests
Medium Blog writer under the publication of Analytics Vidhya. õ